Sarah Collin has been teaching Dru Yoga and Meditation for the past seventeen years.
Dru Meditation uses a variety of tools steeped in ancient wisdom but made relevant to our modern lifestyle. In a Dru Meditation class you will be invited to move your body and release tension with powerful movements. You’ll be guided through pranayama practices to balance your prana. You’ll learn the art of deep relaxation after which you will find it so much easier to come to sit in meditation. A variety of concentration methods and guidance into deep meditation will leave you refreshed, centered, and clear headed.

Sarah offers you options for accessing meditation. Two meditation classes a week run in her Australind Heart Song Studio. You can also access meditation from her online studio, this allows you to jump in whenever and wherever it suits you to access recorded classes and practices that you can tailor to suit your lifestyle. Sarah’s meditation classes are suitable for all levels of experience.

Sarah is deeply connected to nature and finds that by putting her own practice first, connecting with nature everyday and, leaving space in her days keeps her balanced, healthy and feeling alive.

What’s the story behind your first meditation experience?
In a time of great stress I had an experience of a seated relaxation and meditation practice. I was amazed at how this short practice could bring me so much relief. It shifted me out of a difficult life situation and onto a path of study that continues to this day, over thirty years ago.

What or who inspires you?
Be the change you want to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi

Cushion time: How long did you meditate for today?
In my hammock today for thirty minutes

Tools: Meditation Apps, yes or no?

You’re the voice: Do you sing in the shower?
No I don’t but I am loving exploring some meditative toning practices using my voice

The getting of wisdom: What’s the best, or most important thing, you’ve learned as a meditation teacher?
To empty your mind when embarking upon more study or when receiving from others. Make space for wisdom to land within you. Humility.

What makes your heart sing and what you have come to value most?
My heart sings when I am barefoot in nature surrounded by trees. I love trees and flowers. I value ageing, getting older is a wonderful gift.

The best thing today: What’s the most inspiring or loveliest thing you’ve seen or experienced today?
Sharing some meditative vocal toning practices in my meditation class and having one lady say she was tingling all over in the most amazing way.

Sarah Collin
Sarah Collin – Awaken Your Heart Song