MAA Guide to the Code of Conduct for Unregistered Healthcare Practitioners

Guide to the Code of Conduct for Unregistered Healthcare Practitioners

National Code of Conduct The National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers sets out recommendations for minimum standards of conduct and practice for unregistered health care workers i.e. practitioners not regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) which administers the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). The National Code, agreed to by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG*) Health Council in 2015, sets out the minimum practice and ethical standards that unregistered health service providers must comply with and informs consumers what they can expect from practitioners. You can read the final report here. Each state and territory is responsible for implementing its own arrangement with respect to the National Code and practitioners are required to refer to the guidelines set out by their relevant jurisdiction. If a state or territory has yet to enact the code, practitioners should refer to the National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers, read here. In addition to the National Code, MA members are advised to familiarise themselves with the Meditation Australia Code of Ethics and Conduct. Australian Capital Territory (ACT) The ACT Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers is set out in the Human Rights Commission Regulation 2023. The Code of Conduct also covers non-registered health care workers. Health care workers must display a copy of the Code of Conduct and the s.95 notice explaining to consumers and patients that they can make a complaint to the ACT Human Rights Commission.

  • To access the ACT Human Rights Commission website – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the code – Click Here
  • To download a summary of the code – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the complaints poster – Click Here


New South Wales (NSW) A code of conduct for unregistered health practitioners has been enacted by regulation in NSW. Unregistered Healthcare Workers practicing in NSW are required to comply with the Code and display a copy of the Code of Conduct at the premises where the practitioner carries out his or her practice.

  • To access the NSW Health website for details – Click Here
  • For key aspects of the code – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the display version of the NSW Code of Conduct – Click Here

Northern Territory (NT While a NT Consultation paper on the National Code was issued in 2018, the National Code has not been enacted in the NT as of May 2024

  • To access the NT Health and Community Services Complaints Commission – Click Here

Queensland (QLD) Unregistered health practitioners in QLD are governed by a minimum standard of health service provision under the National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers (Queensland) which was introduced in 2015. Under Queensland’s Ombudsman Act 2001, a code of conduct provides guidance about the standard of service that should be provided by health service providers. The Office of Health Ombudsman is also Queensland’s health service complaints agency and can make decisions and take action against unregistered health practitioners when serious issues are identified in their provision of health services in QLD. Health care workers practicing in in this jurisdiction are required to comply with the code and must also display or make available a copy of the Queensland Code across all practice locations, along with information for clients on how complaints can be made.

  • To access the QLD Health website for details on the requirements – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the display version of the QLD Code of Conduct – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the consumer Information about making a complaint – Click Here

South Australia (SA) A code of conduct for unregistered health practitioners has been enacted by regulation in South Australia. The SA Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners (2019) aligns with and replaces the National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers. In addition to complying with the Code of Conduct, practitioners are required to display a copy of the plain English Code of Conduct, information about how a complaint may be made to the Community Services Complaint Commissioner (HCSCC), and evidence of a relevant qualification held by the health practitioner.

  • To access the SA Health website for details – Click Here
  • To access the HCSCC website for details – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the display version of the SA Code of Conduct plus information about making a complaint – Click Here

Tasmania (TAS) The Health Complaints Amendment (Code of Conduct) Act 2018 was enacted in Tasmania in October 2018, however further information has not been provided.

  • To access the Health Complaints Commissioner of Tasmania site with information on the code – Click Here
  • For information on the amendments to the Act – Click Here

 Victoria (VIC) Victoria is developing legislation to give effect to the Ministerial Council decisions of 2015 to implement the National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers and a code regulation regime in Victoria. Currently, Schedule 2, p.102 of The Health Complaints Act 2016 sets out the minimum legal standards that all general health service providers in Victoria must comply with. (The Act came into effect on 1 February 2017 and is now law.)  Health service providers are required to display and make easily accessible a copy of the code of conduct and a document that gives information about the way in which clients may make a complaint to the Commissioner.

  • To access the Health Victoria website – Click Here
  • To access the Victorian Health Care Complaints Commission – Click Here
  • To download a copy of the display version of the VIC Code of Conduct, plus information about making a complaint – Click here

Western Australia (WA) Western Australia enacted a Code of Conduct for Certain Health Care Workers on 27 July 2023 for health care workers who are not required to be registered through AHPRA.

  • To access the WA Health Department website for details – Click Here
  • To access an information sheet on the code – Click Here
  • To access further information including FAQs, Prohibition Orders and Public Health Warning Statements – Click Here

* COAG has been replaced by the Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF) and further information about the various committees and contact details may be found there. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THIS INFORMATION, PLEAE CONTACT THE RELEVANT AUTHORITY IN YOUR STATE OR TERRITORY.